Monday, January 28, 2013

The rationale for a technical marketing philosophy

Why is it consumers will pay a premium price for a product far in excess of its intrinsic cost? The answer is that the product bears a logo representing a brand that is desirable to the consumer. They are not just purchasing a product – they are investing in a life style choice, ownership of that product is aspirational and makes a powerful statement to their friends and associates about their own values and status. Of course the brand owner has invested serious money to create that desire and positioning of their brand intended to convey instant recognition and comprehension.

 So do the same marketing techniques work for the less glamorous world of business-to-business marketing, where budgets are considerably less? The answer is that the general principles of marketing still apply – the challenge is how they are applied. People buying business products and services are also consumers who experience the world of consumer marketing every day, but in their professional capacity will be less influenced by emotional appeals. When buying or specifying b-2-b products the process is not characterised by a spontaneous desire for instant gratification. It is a process of evaluation and consideration which may be quite lengthy. But what might ultimately differentiate one similar product from another is the reputation of the brand of the supplier. Although price will always be important, quality, reliability, technology, availability, post sales support and many other factors may figure in the final purchase decision. Building that reputation for a brand is where marketing performs a vital role in creating an environment where purchasers will ultimately demonstrate a preference for one product over another.
 Marketing should not be confused with sales. It is far more to do with planning for the future, with strategy to keep ahead of fast moving trends, the routes to market, and the means of promotion and delivery that provide the essential environment in which selling can be successful. When marketing technical products, there are many facets to the marketing role. Technical marketing will typically embrace new product development, marketing communications and protection of intellectual property. Instead of the emotional appeal of consumer marketing we recognise that in the marketing space we address of industrial, technical and entertainment technology products, we are more typically engaged with engineers. Accordingly we have introduced an engineering approach to marketing. Engineering brings discipline to marketing, a discipline much needed in controlling the flights of fancy of the creative media types in getting the i's dotted and t's crossed, keeping feet firmly on the ground and keeping sight of the purpose of marketing a product - not in winning design awards. And if bringing engineering into marketing might seem a strange notion, unless marketing is properly controlled and brought in on budget then it will be a disaster. Engineering projects are as much about planning, adherence to schedules and budgets as they are about technology. In fact engineers are increasingly being employed in some surprising areas including many types of management consulting even in the financial sector.
Technical marketing brings the same engineering methodology and thinking to marketing - introducing staffing structures, building the team, setting objectives through the marketing plan, formalising budgets, introducing financial controls, defining schedules and setting specifications for creative projects. Too often companies launch into building a web site, designing a brochure, booking an exhibition stand or commissioning an advertisement without first deciding on what they need to achieve. Design led agencies naturally play to their strengths - a flare for creative designs - and wow clients with exciting images. Arguably engineering marketing, or as we call it technical marketing, lacks some of that wow factor, but what we have discovered is that clients recognise the benefits that our approach can bring to the bottom line. We supply the rationale. And with the increasing importance of the Internet in marketing, a technical competence and comprehension of what works online too. Of course there is a need for professional creativity, but it requires purpose and direction - in short planning, organisation, discipline and control. So engineering marketing solutions works - our clients testify to that.
Common to successful engineering projects and successful marketing is the importance of planning and testing first. Our technical marketing philosophy helps engineer marketing solutions that support and aid delivery of company objectives. Starting at the beginning of the planning process is the marketing plan. Very few companies actually seem to have one any more than they have a formal business plan. There is too often the impression conveyed that the only marketing plan is to repeat last year's pattern of expenditure - usually the last several years - which makes it difficult to find budget for new concepts. All at a time when marketing is rapidly evolving. The usual reason given for not having a formal marketing plan is lack of time. But what is the point in spending money without knowing why or having any benchmark to measure whether it is successful? We recommend not only reviewing the marketing plan at least annually, but also setting the budget that will help deliver the results and company objectives.
Planning needs to be followed by effective implementation. This is an important part of our client involvement – working as part of the team to actually implement the plan at an operational level. By working in partnership with our clients, changing circumstances can be easily accommodated in the plan. We bring experience in a range of marketing disciplines from traditional to evolving online techniques and can handle some or all of these to an agreed plan. The mix will differ according to each client’s own specific needs and resources. Most of our clients now regard Technical Marketing Ltd as part of their team thanks to long standing business relationships.
If you market technical products and think your business could benefit from working with us then get in touch. If you are just interested in what we do then sign up for our e-mail newsletter or just follow us on Twitter or any of the other options offered on the web site. We are here to help businesses succeed.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time to think about how you approach marketing

Technical marketing is founded on the same planning and attention to detail demanded of engineering projects.
Successful businesses have clearly stated goals, a strategy and a supporting financial forecast. Marketing has an important role to play in achieving these business objectives and typically includes new product development, product portfolio management and a marketing communications programme. We should regard marketing as an investment that delivers valid returns just as would be demanded of any other use of scarce resources. Consequently it makes sense to plan marketing activities, apply strict budgetary control, set targets, measure outcomes and use feedback to modify and improve the plan.
It is essential to impose organisational discipline on all marketing activities starting with the marketing team itself, the relationship with both external suppliers and internal customers and in particular with the sales operation. A formal, written Marketing Plan detailing proposed actions, methods, rationale and time scales should be shared with and supported by the whole company. The Marketing Plan should be accompanied by a detailed budget which will be used throughout the plan period to measure and control expenditure. Another essential document is a Corporate Identity (CI) Guide which describes how the company logo and image is to be used consistently across a wide range of materials - not just marketing communications collateral, but from company stationery to vehicle livery and service team work apparel.
The discipline imposed by creating the Marketing Plan will require attention to be focussed on a 'joined-up' marketing communications strategy, so that the various marketing techniques such as advertising, PR, web site and email campaigns, are co-ordinated and have a synergy and integration into a complete programme that is absent in adhoc, unplanned activities. As with engineering projects, planning and attention to detail will pay off when the marketing plan is implemented.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The scope of PR expands - but is b2b marketing taking note?

Management Today
PR has emerged as currently being one of the most effective marketing tools, but many B2B enterprises still don't get what it is all about.

Press and Public Relations has not only changed thanks to the globalisation and immediacy of communication but there has been an increased emphasis on public relations in terms of directly communicating with the public and not primarily via the third party intermediary of the press. PR  is about managing reputation which increasingly has a wider remit than what people think about your product, but includes how the business itself behaves in terms of social accountability. Look at the backlash  companies such as Starbucks, Amazon and Google aroused recently when it was revealed that despite the scale of business conducted in the UK, financial arrangements appeared to be organised to side step corporation tax. Environmental responsibility and equitable employment policies are other banana skins  waiting to wreck the reputation of any business.

Management Today's January cover story - Spin Masters - How PR took over the world, claims that PR is booming and in 2011 was a $10billion business that grew by 8%.  Furthermore it says, "PR people are starting to make it to the top of businesses" and points out that "our prime minister was once head of comms for Carlton Television." The article is built around interviews with leading PR experts and draws out the following quote for emphasis - " Businesses are more aware than ever before of what people think and say about them, and if they don't respond - or respond wrongly - it can be disastrous."

So is this an issue that b2b companies should be concerned about? Interestingly some 10 years ago one client working in the construction industry and with a significant public sector client base offered a whole range of policies online regarded as essential to qualify for consideration for request to tender. These included Environmental Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Customer Charter, Safety Policy, Safety Statistics and Equality & Diversity Strategy amongst others.

It raises the question of how many b2b marketers are actually tuned in to what their customers expect from them, what they think and what they are saying in various online forum.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are we being busy fools?

A new year, new resolutions and a good time to ask - are we being busy fools?

Frantic activity - frequent travel, 24 hour email contact, new marketing campaigns, constant social media engagement - all big consumers of time. Plenty to be busy with, but is it all productive? Or as the chairman of a major electrical company I once worked for was fond of asking - are we being busy fools? Are we chasing around to little purpose and are marketing  activities bringing in quality enquiries?

It is a good a time as any to review the marketing plan and ask what is working and what is not delivering? Plans are not cast in stone and if elements are not working or circumstances have changed, then the plan should be changed to reflect the new situation. And just because particular marketing communications used to work, times may have changed so it is worth checking the marketing investment is still valid.

Being busy is not necessarily being productive.