One client has recognised the need and is working with us to deliver a wealth of new content to a daily schedule. Another has stalled and needs ideas to drive their communications programme forward. They will also need to open up and be less shrouded in outmoded secrecy. Here are some thoughts we put forward for consideration.
The traditional options for communicating with customers and prospective customers has been through third party publishers of journals, usually referred to as the trade press, who provide magazines to address target audiences for the client's products. There have been two main routes:-
- Display advertising - purchase of advertising space in the main publications.
- Editorial - news coverage derived from press releases sent to the editor or news desk.
Both display advertising and gaining editorial coverage are valid marketing communication options, but through the Internet there are now many additional ways to communicate with prospects that no longer rely on buying space or an editor choosing to run with a news story, by being your own publisher. Communication can be broadcast (to a wide group), direct (to named individuals) or to niche groups.
As a consequence businesses need to generate considerably more content.
Content development
Relevant content is no longer of only short term value that doesn’t outlive the currency of the journal that prints the news, but now builds a library of information on the internet that is indexed by search engines and this in turn ranks your company higher in search results. It is therefore essential to step up content development, both to directly reach and influence prospects and to improve search engine rankings. As a consequence businesses are responding by increasing the output of content. Here are some ideas for content:-
- News flashes - short items (not formal press releases), comments on industry news, events, new legislation, ideas, new staff, talks, exhibitions, interesting reference articles etc sent out using email news, RSS feeds, social media and online comment on industry blogs etc.
- Press Releases - formal communication with press, news publishers, customers, subjects include new products, interesting product applications, third party testimonials, contract wins, staff appointments, exhibition previews, new investments, technology etc. sent out to press, published on own web site (e.g. using Virtual News Office), posted to industry news sites.
- Articles - longer, more detailed news stories, perhaps describing a recent and interesting project or a testimonial from a customer. Published on own web site, in company newsletter or commissioned by an editor.
- White papers - informed article typically describing the background to a topic such as the advent of a new technology, industry relevant and brand neutral. informative and educational and due to expert provided content positions the publishing company as authoritative in that market. Published as a PDF on own web site, often in exchange for contact email.
- Guides - introduction to the market, requirements, outline ‘how to’ chose right class of product etc. Often printed, mailed out on request, distributed at trade shows, available as ebook or published as a downloadablePDF on own web site, often in exchange for contact email.
- Video - increasingly popular for demonstrating how a product works, showcasing interesting applications or interviewing customers. Typically published on YouTube and own web site.
Third party publication
Self publication
Content/News distribution
- News to traditional media sent using html email press release.
- News to customer/prospect list (opt-in subscribers) by email newsletter - eNews - aggregate news stories, headlines/ opening text and image linking to Virtual News Office.
- News feeds - Twitter and RSS.