Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Memories and tributes from Andy's friends

Andy Collier: photo by John Offord,

Here are extracts from some of the emails  I have received following the early death of Andy Collier on 12th July.

"I have to say that I was shattered. Andy was such a truly exceptional person. Seemingly always optimistic and positive and really a beacon for everybody around him. I was so pleased that he was able to make my birthday party last month in London.

And I suppose that reminds me what a terrible event it was. Andy was so young and full of life. He was always such a pleasure to meet and talk with. His encyclopedic knowledge and dedication toward lighting will be long missed. What a shock."

Richard Pilbrow
Founder & Chairman Emeritus
Theatre Projects Consultants


We are all truly sorry and deeply saddened by Andy’s death last week.  Totally unexpected and shocking that it could happen to such a nice guy.  As you know Andy worked for us in Theatreplan and also for me with the Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conferences and he will also be sorely missed as a person – always helpful, cheering and prepared to go the whole way.

Richard Brett BSc CEng FIET FABTT
Partner, for and on behalf of
Theatreplan LLP

I cannot tell you  how sad I am to hear of Andy’s death.  A huge shock for all his friends and colleagues.

Kind regards



 It's devastating news and I'm very sad indeed. What a wonderful man he was. 

In sadness,


I just can’t get my head around the idea of a world without Andy. I was exchanging e-mails with him throughout his last week ... right up until the fatal Friday when he sent me an e-mail just before he got on the tube. The world desperately needs more Andys.

Sadly - Francis


t's been hard to know what to say about Andy. The loss is just devastating. As many others have already said, Andy was always the jolliest, friendliest, most enthusiastic person you could hope to meet. Always a pleasure to be with him. I've known him since the Strand days in the 1970's and it's hard to think that I won't be greeted by his beaming smile at PLASA this year.

Mike Wood Consulting LLC

On Friday at 9:30AM my time, which is 2:30PM your time, I’m going to go somewhere quiet and remember Andy. But I’ve been doing that constantly since his sudden death. I have been talking to several friends here in the states after the news, and we have all been remembering the great times we had working with Andy (and you) here – in NYC, LA, Vegas, Florida and beyond.  Everyone has so many special memories, and we will all miss Andy.



I've still memories - but sadly no photos I don't think - of the very spartan office that was the early days of Teatro; of a "day" trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa from Lake Garda, and of Bens' very first skiing lessons with Andy and Margaret somewhere near Innsbruck (?) one Christmas.  And of lighting Barnes and Richmond Operatic Society (BROS) productions at Richmond Theatre and York House in Twickenham, or just popping in to Grosvenor Gardens for coffee and a chat.

And of course during the heady days of Strand's initial takeover/decimation by Marvin Altman in the late 1980's when the R&D and Specials department were closed, Andy was always there as a friend and sounding board for ideas on how to survive. Andy was always there as a friend and mentor, and always made you feel welcome. Nothing was ever too much trouble for him.



I saw Andy just a couple of months ago, he walked over here from Barnes, we had a couple of pints at my local, then a good curry around the corner. I had been thinking of contacting Andy this week for another local drink. How sad, he is deeply missed.

best regards

It was good to speak with you though the circumstances are not. In hearing the devastating news on Saturday ... my thoughts were naturally of you as well as Andy’s family  given that you and he had such a long and close working relationship.

Kind Regards


Russell Dunsire
Managing Director
LSI Projects Ltd

I have fond memories of Andy when he first started in 1974 as he was in specials and I gave him a lot of work. We also did a European sales tour together where we lost the brakes of the van going down a mountain in Switzerland. We survived just.

Best Alan


Good to hear from you - although I am sorry it is with such sad news.  I just saw Andy last month at ABTT.... such a shock.   And I had already heard about this via Facebook.   



Some of the happiest times I’ve had in my career was with you, Andy, Ed, etc in the all too short marketing heyday at Strand. He was one of the true gentlemen of our business, who knew everyone, and was liked by all those who met him. I, like so many who have responded, are stunned by what has happened, and will miss him an awful lot.

Best Regards,

Richard Bunting


At sometime in the mid - late 1980's, when we were both learning the ropes at TPC, David Taylor introduced me to Andy as 'a really good, helpful and imaginative lighting representative as well as a really nice person.' In the intervening 25 years I have been continually reminded of that definition whatever the role that Andy undertook to support the theatre industry. With David and now Andy's untimely death, it feels as though a generation is disappearing too young, but not before making a lifetime's contribution to the theatre world.

With sympathy
Anne Minors

May I say how deeply I appreciated you taking the time amidst your own grief to talk to me this morning. I sincerely offer you my help and support with Technical Marketing Ltd in this very difficult time.

Kind regards

What  sad news! At 13.01 on Friday Andy sent us the picture of his beautiful day out at Goodwood ... at least a nice last day ...

With my best regards
Silvio Cibien
 ANIMA Lighting Ltd

So sorry to hear about this. My consolations to you and his family. 
Kind regards,

Gareth Fry
Sound Designer 


My deepest sympathy to you and to his family.

With very best wishes,



A terrible shock. I'm still struggling to come to terms with it all.


Huge Design


That is very sad news indeed – someone I’ve known for as long as I’ve been in the industry.


 I'm working on getting together a double page spread possibly entitled "Remembering Andy Collier" for the August issue of the magazine, using as many pictures as I can find from the ET archive - most of them with a smile on his face. What do you think? 

In  much sadness - it will take some time to sink in properly. 

All best 


We're terribly sorry to hear this tragic news. Andy has been a pleasure to work with and will be sorely missed. 

Our sincere condolences. 

Kari Sewell
Managing Director
Realnet Ltd

It's dreadful news.  He was a lovely fellow. 

All the best 

 I was very sorry to hear the sad news about Andy. and feel very much for his family and for you his friend. It must be very difficult. Andy was such a great person and the shock must be very hard - it just doesn't seem possible, or right.

With my best regards,


Julie Harper 
PR & Marketing Consultant

Very many thanks in sadness to have lost such a great person and friend.

Andy Collier's funeral - please let us know if you are attending

We have been overwhelmed by the response from so many people to the news of Andy's recent untimely death and expect a large attendance at Friday's Humanist Funeral in Barnes.

To help the family have some idea of numbers we would ask you to respond using this link to  Eventbrite. 

Your co-operation is appreciated.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Andy Collier .. funeral arrangements announced

Wathen Hall
Arrangements for a Humanist funeral ceremony celebrating the life of Andy Collier have just been announced. The event will take place at 2.30 pm on Friday 26th July in the Wathen Hall at St Paul's School in Barnes, SW London.

Since Andy's passing last Friday aftrernoon (12th July) we have been overwhelmed by the tributes and appreciation received from so many friends throughout the theatrical and lighting communities. All the major industry web sites carry his obituary. Links are provided below.


Final details are still being planned but are expected to include contributions from family members and work colleagues and will feature music that Andy particuarly enjoyed. Guests are asked to dress "smart but cheerful", as we remember the happiness that Andy brought into the life of everyone he knew. Andy's family have requested that in lieu of flowers, donations to one of the following three charities that were dear to him would be greatly appreciated: 

  • Light Relief (a charity formed to practical support and/or financial help for lighting designers in times of extreme hardship.

  • Alzheimer's Society (by cheque with a covering letter specifying 'Singing for the Brain, East Hertfordshire'). 

Donations by cheque should be sent to T.H.Sanders & Sons, 447 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, London SW14 7PR.

Venue: Wathen Hall. 

Date & Time: 2.30pm, Friday 26th July

Information updates;

Technical Marketing Diary.
or follow on Twitter @technicalmarket 

Obituaries are hosted on various sites, including:- 

Association of Lighting Directors.

Association of British Theatre Technicians

LSI Online

L & S America Online

As information about arrangements become available they will appear on the Technical Marketing web site, the blog and Twitter.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Andy Collier .. an update

Andy (left) & Margaret Collier with David & Carolyn Brooks; Grenoble 2005.
On Sunday I  posted the sad news that Andy had died of a heart attack on  Friday afternoon.  He was at Leicester Square station on the London Underground on his way to a meeting of  the Association of Lighting Directors. It was typical of Andy that on a fine sunny evening, instead of packing up for the weekend he was involved with something he really loved and contributing freely of his time to produce the Association's magazine - Focus - described by ALD President (the highly respected lighting designer Richard Pilbrow) as "the best lighting design magazine in the world!" The comments by other officers of the Association testify to the high regard in which Andy was held, by everyone his life touched.

Roger Fox moved swiftly to publish as an Obituary Andy's profile on the Association of British Theatre Technicians' web site. Based on Andy's (as ever self-effacing) autobiographical sketch, as originally published in the Profiles series by Entertainment Technology Press in 2000 it 'tongue in cheek' records Andy's career and great love of everything theatrical.

I  have yesterday and today been contacting Andy's clients and friends. With Andy, clients tended to be friends as well - he was just that sort of person. All were saddened by Andy's death and many have offered help and support to our business. For this I  am deeply grateful. 

As information about arrangements become available they will appear on the Technical Marketing web site, the blog and Twitter.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


Andy Collier
It is with deep regret that I have to announce the death of my business partner, friend and fellow director, Andy Collier on Friday 12th July.

Andy was well known in the theatrical lighting and entertainment technology community and I am sure his many friends will join me in sending our deepest sympathies to his wife Margaret and son Ben.    

David  Brooks

Further information will be posted in due course.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Avoid the shopping list approach to marketing

Just because there are many marketing techniques you don't have to use them all.

There are plenty of marketing communications methods involving both online and offline techniques, but because they exist it doesn't mean you have to use them all. It is what we term the 'shopping list' approach to marketing. Draw up a comprehensive list - advertising, mailing, exhibitions, PR, product literature, web site, emailing, social media etc etc - then buy the individual services at the lowest price, ticking each off the list in turn until the shopping, or in this case the marketing is done. That's it. Or is it?

Two big issues - stretching the budget and going for the lowest price supplier is one and using irrelevant communications channels is another. Would you feel comfortable flying in a plane where all the components were supplied by the lowest priced vendor? Would you feel comfortable if your doctor prescribed every drug stocked in the pharmacy in the hope that one of them would cure your illness? Of course not. You go to the doctor because of his medical knowledge, his ability to diagnose your complaint and then select the most effective treatment. So why should marketing be different?

Surely it makes more sense to talk to a specialist, to analyse your market, your positioning, reputation and awareness, then recommend the most effective marketing communications programme relevant to your company's identified needs. What's more to ensure the marketing strategy is informed by business goals, is designed to deliver the results you want and is implemented as an integrated programme of relevant marketing campaigns.

So, time to tear up the shopping list, get informed advice and maximise the marketing investment.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Design briefs - where it goes wrong

Here is an interesting video that has a message on the matter of briefing an agency.

Is your service support aligned to your marketing positioning?

For buyers of capital goods and other high ticket items purchased with a long time interval between replacements, your service team may be the customer's main contact with their business? Are they effective in maintaining awareness of your brand and building loyalty when the time for replacement comes round? Are the service team in the loop so they are aware of the 'keep in touch' marketing communications the customer should receive and do they portray the same brand values?

An interesting example this week was how Honda approached the annual service of my car. I was called on my mobile phone to remind me the first annual service was due and given the options of waiting while the vehicle was serviced, dropped off and collected later, or collected from home and returned at no cost. I opted for the free collection and return. As arranged a driver called to collect the car. He was clearly from the Honda dealer as his crisp white shirt had a discretely embroidered logo in red, he carried a clip board with the job details, cheerfully explained what was being done and off he went. A few hour later the service manager called, explained what service had been carried out, condition of of brakes, tyres and vehicle in general which would all be covered in a printed report. Your car is just being cleaned inside and out and will be back with you in 30 minutes. Twenty five minutes later it was parked in the same spot it had been collected from by the same driver who gave me the promised documents and that was it. Next day I  received a call to ask if I was satisfied with the service - I was very impressed.

Unfortunately few other companies get anywhere near this level of service, they hide contact details on their web sites, are hard to contact at all, off shore call centres and oddly enough tend to be service suppliers like telecoms, energy or airlines. But the lemon of the week has to go to HMRC and their undisguised hostility towards their customers - but that is another story.