Sunday, May 22, 2011

Influencing the great and the good

Prospective buyers can base their buying decisions on what you tell them about your product, what users say about the product and what people they trust for their expertise say about your product.

Product information can be presented at various levels of detail, from a brief overview to detailed specifications and operating instructions. User experience is traditionally in some form of endorsement such as a testimonial or case study and increasingly feedback online in the form of reviews. Thirdly opinion leaders can prove to be important influencers so putting resources into creating favourable support is a worthy marketing task. Opinion leaders can be instrumental in encouraging early adopters to buy new products as well as more generally giving credibility to a brand. In order to get opinion leaders onside the company message needs to be credible and verifiable. To achieve positive recognition the company needs to be perceived as being more than just a supplier of product and to exhibit in depth knowledge of the market applications and needs, the technology and wider legislative and operating environment.

Opinion leaders can be respected gurus within their area of expertise, leading publications, web sites and news channels in the sector, professional bodies, important consultants, conference speakers or respected companies using the product. Recommendations, referrals, specifications and word of mouth support from opinion leaders are essential to cultivate so identifying who these people are, how to engage with then and providing the resource is another important budget consideration,

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