Just when it seemed RSS had gone the way of other promising technical developments and headed into oblivion, it seems to be enjoying a revival.
Or perhaps it never really went away. We have been using RSS for at least 10 years for news feeds - maybe longer - and required an RSS Reader which few could bother with loading, but when built into browsers became easier to use. Why RSS? Basically as a news feed from our Virtual News Offices to provide headline news flashes. OK - lets step back ten years or so. With self publication the "news" available has become a torrent - the problem how to keep in touch with the information you need and not sink beneath this torrent of content, little of which is actually of interest.
At the time we figured that many people typically would want to monitor news streams from various sources and RSS offered the opportunity to create their own customised headline service. For example news from their professional world - new technologies, product introductions, industry news etc. Then news from about their special interests - sport and their favourite team, music, entertainment etc. General news of events, politics, weather and finally social news from their friends and relatives. RSS offered the opportunity to collate headlines from all these sources, quickly scan them and follow up those of most interest and ignore the rest.
The BBC offers a good description of RSS, Facebook offers an RSS option too, but the RSS button seems to have gone from a lot of company web sites if it was ever there at all. In today's content overload, perhaps they are missing a trick in not offering an RSS news feed.
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