Thursday, October 02, 2014

Social media - Facebook revisited

Recent blogs have looked at my experiments with social media for b-2-b . Now we come to Facebook.

I set up a Facebook account in February 2009 - so over 5 years ago. At that time it was a personal account and creating a page for business was the only way to have company information published on the platform. Inconvenient and mixed up with pictures of babies, horses, dogs and cats - so not a promising start.

What is it?
Good question.Wikipedia simply describes it as a "social media network." Founded in February 2004, it was initially contained in the university space before being opened up to everyone over 13 in September 2006.

How is it used?
Initially for social messaging - mainly gossip, but of late I  seem to see a weird mix of stuff. From individuals usually passing on video links, allegedly amusing pictures, long drawn out jokes and amazingly private announcements. From businesses - unsubtle advertising.

What does it do?
It reaches vast numbers - think billion plus world wide. So it offers an alternate advertising model in so far as target audiences can be identified by the personal information they have revealed about themselves, their interests, location etc. It seems to have evolved as a billion page web site for user generated content. 

Does it work?
Unlike Twitter (news headlines), YouTube (video demos etc) and Blogs (news from company insiders) Facebook's rationale is like all things to all people but does it deliver? There are some enquiries from Facebook, but in the b-2-b world I have not really seen any business getting loads of new customers. I long ago gave up the experiment of using Facebook as a useful marketing tool. At best it raises brand awareness, but whether this works for the target audience is hard to determine.

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